- # The following function generates a two-line PS1 prompt. It uses two new
- # array variables, abovePS1 and aboveRPS1, either of which may be empty or
- # unset. Each of these is a series of prompt segments that should appear,
- # obviously, above the regular PS1 and RPS1 prompts. (I generally prefer to
- # put the extra info in the xterm title bar, but when not using an xterm
- # this can be handy.)
- #
- # To use the two-line prompt:
- #
- # function precmd() {
- # two_line_prompt
- # }
- abovePS1=(%m %n %~)
- aboveRPS1=(%W %@ tty%l) # Remember, display is reversed to tty%l %@ %W.
- realPS1=$PS1 # Save the original PS1 for later use
- two_line_prompt() {
- local fakePS1="" fakeRPS1="" p P
- for p in $abovePS1
- do
- # Compute the width of each abovePS1 segment. If the total
- # width so far is wider than the screen, omit the segment.
- P=$(print -nP $p)
- if [[ $[$#fakePS1+$#P] -lt $[$COLUMNS-1] ]]
- then fakePS1="${fakePS1:+$fakePS1 }$P"
- fi
- done
- for p in $aboveRPS1
- do
- # Add in the width of each aboveRPS1 segment. If the total
- # width so far is wider than the screen, omit the segment.
- P=$(print -nP $p)
- if [[ $[$#fakePS1+$#fakeRPS1+$#P] -lt $COLUMNS-1 ]]
- then fakeRPS1="$P${fakeRPS1:+ $fakeRPS1}"
- fi
- done
- if [[ $[$#fakePS1+$#fakeRPS1] -gt 0 ]]
- then
- # Reset fakeRPS1 to use right-justified display (typeset -R) at
- # the correct width to push it to the right edge of the screen.
- local -R $[$COLUMNS-$#fakePS1-1] fakeRPS1="$fakeRPS1"
- # Prefix PS1 with the first line of the two-line prompt.
- PS1="$fakePS1$fakeRPS1
- $realPS1"
- else PS1=$realPS1
- fi
- }